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About Us

Technological Capital For Medical Equipment specializes In Worldwide Sourcing, Buying And Distribution Of Medical Equipment, Medical Supplies, Instruments, and Patient Care Products. We Are in Place Where You Can Buy Direct From Authentic Factory Distributors And Wholesalers At A competitive Price.

We commit to provide our partners with the best experience by getting the best product with the most competitive price

Technological Capital for Medical EQUIPMENT located in Jordan , we are working day and night toward the satisfaction of their clients. we offer the best international support and shipping services, top-notch quality of goods and goods by the best manufacturers.

our market is middle east and we now focus for Iraq and Oman

we are a leading medical supplier who deal with the best manufacturers worldwide

we can supply you with the all range of medical products , we cover many medical fields

What We Do

We are a family. A family built on ethics, honesty and manners. We believe that a great reputation build long term business relationship.

We work with the best medical manufacture in the US, Europe, and Asia and worldwide , who sell their products internationally.

Fields We Work On

Medical Equipment
Medical Appliances
Medical Disposable
Laboratory Equipment and supplies
Surgical instruments